12-Letter Countries: A Complete List with Facts & Trivia

Welcome to a linguistic journey through the globe’s most uniquely named countries! While many countries have concise names, there’s a select group with exactly 12 letters. This article is your comprehensive list of countries names with 12 letters, complete with interesting details about each one. Let’s dive in!

The 12-Letter Countries List

This exclusive club features nations spanning various continents, cultures, and histories.

Turkmenistan: A Central Asian Oasis

Turkmenistan, a Central Asian country once part of the Soviet Union, boasts a rich blend of cultural influences. From the impressive architecture of Ashgabat, its capital, to the vast Karakum Desert, Turkmenistan offers a unique travel experience.

Did you know? Turkmenistan holds the world’s largest indoor Ferris wheel, located in Ashgabat.

Great Britain: A Historic Powerhouse

Great Britain, often referred to as the United Kingdom, encompasses England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Its historical significance, cultural contributions, and global influence are undeniable.

Did you know? The iconic red telephone boxes are a symbol of British culture.

Table of All 12-Letter Countries

Delve deeper into the diverse world of 12-letter countries with this detailed table:

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Country NameContinentCapital CityOfficial Language(s)CurrencyNotable Features
TurkmenistanAsiaAshgabatTurkmenTurkmenistani manatKarakum Desert, Door to Hell crater
Great BritainEuropeLondonEnglishPound sterlingBig Ben, Buckingham Palace, Stonehenge

Exploring the Cultural Tapestry

Each 12-letter country boasts a unique cultural tapestry, woven with traditions, languages, and customs.

Turkmenistan’s Nomadic Heritage

Turkmenistan’s history is intertwined with nomadic traditions. The Akhal-Teke horse, a national symbol, is renowned for its beauty and speed.

Great Britain’s Literary Legacy

Great Britain’s literary contributions are immense. From Shakespeare to J.K. Rowling, the country has produced countless literary giants.

The Future of 12-Letter Countries

As the world evolves, so too do these nations. Turkmenistan is investing in renewable energy, while Great Britain navigates its post-Brexit landscape.


12-letter countries may be few, but their impact is significant. From the vast landscapes of Turkmenistan to the historical landmarks of Great Britain, these nations offer a glimpse into diverse cultures and captivating histories. Whether you’re planning a trip or simply curious about the world, exploring these countries is a rewarding adventure.


Are there any other countries with exactly 12 letters in their name?

No, as of now, Turkmenistan and Great Britain are the only two countries that fit this criterion.

Is the United Kingdom the same as Great Britain?

While often used interchangeably, they are not the same. The United Kingdom includes Northern Ireland, while Great Britain does not.

What are some must-visit attractions in Turkmenistan?

Consider visiting the ancient city of Merv, the Yangykala Canyon, and the Darvaza gas crater (Door to Hell).

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Which famous authors are from Great Britain?

The list is extensive, but notable names include William Shakespeare, Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, and J.K. Rowling.

What is the official language of Turkmenistan?

The official language of Turkmenistan is Turkmen.

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