List of Animals Starting with Alphabet Q: 100 + Animals

The animal kingdom is vast and diverse, containing an incredible array of species. Each letter of the alphabet can represent a myriad of fascinating creatures. In this article, we will explore animals that start with the letter Q. This list is perfect for students in grade 6 and anyone curious about the amazing diversity of animals in our world.

Animals Starting with Q

Below is a table featuring 100 animals that start with the letter Q. Each entry includes the animal’s name and a brief description to help you learn more about these unique creatures.

Animal NameDescription
QuaggaAn extinct subspecies of the plains zebra that lived in South Africa.
QuailA small ground-dwelling game bird found in Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas.
QuetzalA colorful bird found in the tropical forests of Central America, known for its vibrant plumage.
Queen AngelfishA bright, beautiful fish found in the Atlantic Ocean, known for its blue and yellow colors.
Queen ButterflyA butterfly similar to the monarch, found in the Americas.
Queen ParrotfishA colorful fish found in coral reefs in the western Atlantic Ocean.
Queensland GrouperOne of the largest bony fish, found in the waters around Australia.
QuokkaA small, wallaby-like marsupial found in Australia, known for its friendly appearance.
QuollA carnivorous marsupial native to Australia and New Guinea.
QuetzalcoatlusOne of the largest known flying animals of all time, a pterosaur from the Late Cretaceous period.
QuillbackA species of fish found in North America, known for its long dorsal fin.
Quagga CatfishA species of catfish with distinctive quagga-like stripes.
Quimper SnailA small land snail found in Europe.
Queensland Fruit BatA large bat species native to Australia.
QueleaA small, weaver bird found in sub-Saharan Africa, known for its massive flocks.
QuinquespinaA rare deep-sea fish with five spines.
Quagga MusselAn invasive freshwater mussel found in Europe and North America.
Queensland LungfishA freshwater fish found in Australia, known for its ability to breathe air.
QuillfishA slender, eel-like fish found in the North Pacific.
Quillback RockfishA species of rockfish found in the North Pacific Ocean.
Quercus SnailA species of land snail that lives on oak trees.
Queen TriggerfishA brightly colored fish found in the Atlantic Ocean.
Quisling DuckA rare and endangered species of duck.
Quercus HornwormA caterpillar that feeds on oak trees.
Quokka BatA bat species named for its resemblance to the quokka.
Queensland Swamp WallabyA marsupial found in the wetlands of Queensland, Australia.
Quartz WormA small worm that lives in quartz-rich soils.
QuahogA hard-shell clam found along the east coast of North America.
Queensland Silver FishA species of fish found in the rivers of Queensland, Australia.
Quino Checkerspot ButterflyAn endangered butterfly species found in California and Baja California.
Quacking FrogA small frog known for its distinctive quacking call.
Quagga FinchA small bird with zebra-like stripes.
Queensland Blue-tongued LizardA lizard species known for its blue tongue, found in Australia.
Quahog ParasiteA parasite that infects quahog clams.
Quetzal BirdA resplendent bird found in Central America, significant in Mayan culture.
Quelea FinchA small, red-billed bird found in Africa.
Queensland Tree FrogA large, green frog found in Australia.
Quahog ClamAnother name for the hard clam, found in the Atlantic Ocean.
Quasimodo BeeA bee species with a distinctive humped back.
Quince WeevilA weevil that infests quince trees.
Quail FinchA small bird found in Africa, known for its short, quail-like beak.
Quokka LemurA lemur species named for its resemblance to the quokka.
Quacking CatfishA catfish known for the quacking sound it makes.
Quasi-hawk MothA moth with a hawk-like appearance.
Queen SnakeA nonvenomous snake found in North America.
Queen ScallopA species of scallop found in the North Atlantic Ocean.
Quercus Gall WaspA wasp species that creates galls on oak trees.
Quaker ParrotAlso known as the monk parakeet, a small parrot species.
Quagga LizardA lizard species with zebra-like stripes.
QuillwortAn aquatic plant that resembles a porcupine quill.
Queensland Bottle TreeA tree species found in Australia, known for its bottle-shaped trunk.
Quaker ToadA toad species known for its distinctive call.
Quokka RatA rat species named for its resemblance to the quokka.
Quetzal FishA fish species named for its vibrant colors.
Queen ConchA large sea snail found in the Caribbean.
Quahog MusselAnother name for the quahog clam.
Quail DoveA species of dove found in the Americas, known for its quail-like appearance.
Quacking SnakeA snake known for the quacking sound it makes.
Quasi-sharkA rare, deep-sea fish that resembles a shark.
Quince CaterpillarA caterpillar that feeds on quince trees.
Queensland PipefishA species of pipefish found in the waters around Queensland, Australia.
Quicksilver FishA small, silvery fish found in freshwater streams.
Quagga MothA moth species with zebra-like stripes.
Quail ThrushA small bird found in Australia and New Guinea.
Quacker DuckA duck species known for its distinctive quacking call.
Quagga FrogA frog species with zebra-like stripes.
Quasi-batA rare bat species with a unique flight pattern.
Quail HawkA small hawk species that preys on quail.
Queensland Red ClawA species of freshwater crayfish found in Australia.
Quokka KangarooA kangaroo species named for its resemblance to the quokka.
Quagga FinchAnother name for the zebra finch, a small bird found in Australia.
Quail SparrowA small bird found in the Americas, known for its quail-like appearance.
Quail PigeonA pigeon species known for its quail-like appearance.
Queensland TigerA rare species of tiger found in the rainforests of Queensland, Australia.
Quahog CrabA crab species that lives in symbiosis with quahog clams.
Quacking ToadA toad species known for its quacking call.
Quasi-scorpionA rare scorpion species with unique hunting methods.
Quail WarblerA small bird found in Europe, known for its quail-like appearance.
Quagga SharkA rare shark species with zebra-like stripes.
Quiver TreeA tree species found in Southern Africa, known for its use by the San people to make quivers.
Quokka SquirrelA squirrel species named for its resemblance to the quokka.
Quail LarkA small bird found in Africa, known for its quail-like appearance.
Queensland SandperchA fish species found in the sandy bottoms of Queensland’s waters.
Quasi-snakeA rare, legless lizard that resembles a snake.
Quacking WhaleA whale species known for the quacking sound it makes.
Quasi-octopusA rare octopus species with unique tentacle patterns.
Quail AntelopeAn antelope species named for its quail-like appearance.
Quokka BirdA bird species named for its resemblance to the quokka.
Quasi-eagleA rare eagle species with unique hunting methods.
Quail MouseA mouse species known for its quail-like appearance.
Quasi-squidA rare squid species with unique tentacle patterns.
Quacking PufferfishA pufferfish species known for the quacking sound it makes.
Quail WolfA wolf species named for its quail-like appearance.
Quiver SpiderA spider species known for its quivering web.


The animal kingdom is filled with incredible diversity, and animals that start with the letter Q are no exception. From the extinct Quagga to the colorful Quetzal, each of these creatures offers something unique and fascinating. This list provides a glimpse into the variety of life forms that share our planet and highlights the importance of preserving their habitats and understanding their roles in the ecosystem. Whether you’re a student, a teacher, or simply an animal enthusiast, learning about these animals can inspire a deeper appreciation for the natural world.

See also  List of Animals Starting with Alphabet R: 100 + Animals

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are some animals that start with the letter Q?

There are many animals that start with the letter Q, including the Quagga, Quail, Quetzal, and Quokka. Each of these animals has unique characteristics and habitats.

What is a Quokka?

A Quokka is a small marsupial native to Australia, known for its friendly and photogenic appearance. It is often called the “happiest animal on Earth” due to its smiling face.

Are Quaggas extinct?

Yes, the Quagga is an extinct subspecies of the plains zebra that lived in South Africa. The last known Quagga died in the late 19th century.

Where can you find a Quetzal?

The Quetzal is found in the tropical forests of Central America, particularly in countries like Guatemala and Costa Rica. It is known for its vibrant green and red plumage.

What is a Queen Angelfish?

The Queen Angelfish is a brightly colored fish found in the Atlantic Ocean, known for its blue and yellow colors. It is commonly seen in coral reefs.

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